Shenzhen YF Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen YF Technology Co., Ltd.

Do you get more milk with correct flange size

Yes, using the correct flange size can often lead to better milk expression and potentially result in getting more milk during pumping sessions. A properly fitting flange is essential for efficient and comfortable milk removal because it allows for better nipple stimulation and milk flow. Here's how using the correct flange size can impact milk output:


Better Nipple Stimulation: When the flange fits correctly, it ensures that your nipples are centered and properly stimulated during pumping. Adequate nipple stimulation triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the let-down reflex, enabling milk to flow more easily.


Maximizing Milk Flow: A properly fitting flange helps prevent any obstructions or constriction around the nipples, allowing milk to flow more freely. This can lead to more effective emptying of the breasts and encourage continued milk production.


Avoiding Discomfort: Using a flange that is too large or too small can cause discomfort and irritation during pumping. Discomfort may lead to a reduced pumping time or frequency, which can, in turn, affect milk supply.


Preventing Nipple Trauma: An ill-fitting flange can cause rubbing or chafing on the nipples, potentially leading to soreness or even damage. This can discourage pumping and impact milk output.


Maintaining Milk Supply: Efficient milk removal is crucial for maintaining a healthy milk supply. When the breasts are adequately emptied during pumping, it signals the body to produce more milk, helping to sustain lactation.


To ensure you are using the correct flange size, pay attention to how your breasts feel during pumping. If you experience discomfort, pain, or notice that your nipples are rubbing against the sides of the flange, it may be an indication that you need a different size. Many breast pump manufacturers offer different flange sizes, so don't hesitate to try different options to find the one that fits you best.


If you're unsure about the correct flange size for you or if you're experiencing any issues with milk expression, it's beneficial to consult with a lactation consultant. They can assess your pumping technique and flange fit to provide personalized guidance and support for optimizing your milk output.
